Cats. Everybody knows the internet loves cats. I'm no exception. These are the ones that live in my house.
Betty 2006-2020-Has eyes that can see into your soul but would prefer to lick you. A very good girl who we unfortunately had to say goodbye to in the vortex of suckage that was 2020. We miss her very much.
Cleo- House Panther Number One and resident Girl Boss. Claws so sharp they've been known
to split atoms.
to split atoms.
Minnie- Thinks it's okay you've written no words today. Loves you anyway.
Milo- Just when you thought it was safe to go to sleep. Has bitten. Will bite again.
Dottie-Second House Panther. Bringing you double the bow-tie and double the need to avenge herself against the bugs of the world.